Para-genous bodies was a duo show made with Antonin Giroud-Delorme, exhibited at Mutter, Amsterdam (2022).
Read Manuela Zammit’s review on the show here.
Dagmar Bosma wrote a text in response to the exhibition and Nuno Beijinho turned it into a hand-out that was available to take during the exhibition.
Read Dagmar’s text, Landing in the womb: Para-genous bodies here.
Detail from collaborative curtain piece, untitled (curtain piece), seasweed, pins, film photograph.
Detail shot from Antonin’s Putrefactio I, shared supremacy.
Detail shot from Antonin’s Putrefactio I, shared supremacy.
I’m so excited iii (set experiment), 6 mins, projected in the space.
Close up from Antonin Giroud-Delorme Regional Manifestation X
Install shot of bloodchild as erotica wip, film, 14 min.